Yoga: Beyond the Mat

Yoga: Beyond the Mat

Yoga, as we know it, often begins with a mat unrolled, as we stretch, breathe, and flow through asanas. But the essence of yoga extends far beyond the confines of that rectangular space; it permeates every aspect of our lives, shaping our minds, bodies, and souls.


At Soul Shack, we believe that yoga is more than just physical postures; it's a way of life, a holistic journey towards inner harmony, and a celebration of the unity between mind, body, and soul. It's about embracing the values and wisdom that this ancient practice imparts, both on and off the mat.


Here's why we celebrate yoga's profound impact beyond the mat:


Mindful Living

Yoga encourages mindfulness, not only in the studio but in all facets of life. It's about being present, fully engaged in the here and now. Whether you're practicing asanas, sitting in meditation, or simply going about your daily routine, yoga invites you to cultivate awareness and appreciation for each moment.


Body as a Temple

Yoga teaches us to treat our bodies as temples. It's about nourishing ourselves with wholesome foods, staying active, and respecting our physical form. This holistic approach to well-being promotes not only physical health but also mental and emotional balance. This is something that is becoming increasingly important, given that mental health conditions make up for 13% of the total global disease burden, as documented by WHO. The Mental Health Foundation also reports that 10-20% of children and adolescents worldwide experience mental health disorders, with an increasing trend in recent years.



Beyond the mat, yoga leads to profound self-discovery. It's a journey to understand ourselves at a deeper level, to recognise our strengths and vulnerabilities, and to embrace our true nature. This self-awareness ultimately extends to our relationships, work, and life choices.


Unity and Connection

Yoga is a practice of unity and connection. It reminds us that we are interconnected with all living beings and the world around us. This awareness extends to our choices, encouraging compassion and care for the planet and its inhabitants.


Inner Peace and Resilience

Yoga equips us with tools to navigate life's challenges. It fosters inner peace, resilience, and the ability to find calm amidst the storms. This mental strength carries over into our daily interactions and the way we approach life's uncertainties.


Authentic Living

The philosophy of yoga encourages us to live authentically, in alignment with our values and beliefs. It's a reminder to be true to ourselves and to make choices that resonate with our inner compass.



Yoga, after all, is not something you do; it's something you live. It's a journey that transcends physical postures and touches every corner of our existence. It's a reminder that yoga is not just an exercise; it's a way of being, a path to a balanced, mindful, and harmonious life.

Here at Soul Shack, we value access to yoga for all, so we also offer FREE DELIVERY for all yoga mats!! We believe that the practice of yoga is important and try to embody a yogic mindset throughout all of our designs. Our yoga mats are designed for ultimate comfort, offering a microsuede top and a 3mm thin non-slip base. Our mats are soulfully designed for a beautiful aesthetic and come with a free strap, perfect for travel.


Soul Shack x

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